
1.) High Lady : The High Lady is the GuildMaster of the Guardians and thus is the ruling authority of the Guild as a whole. She is also the Stone holder as well, and is in charge of the Halls of the Guardians. Having no specific duties, her tasks are far flunged and ranges from simple guild activities to assigning or reviewing members for certain positions. Her word is the highest authority in the Guardians along with the High Lord but very rarely would she overrule a decision unless it affects the Life of the Guardians themselves.
2.) High Lord: Equal in stature and equal in rank as the High Lady, the High Lord's position is reserved for the one who has captured the interest of the High Lady and shown commitment to her and the guild. As well as being tolerant of the huge amount of time the guild requires of her and now him as well. This title is only reserved for the partner of the High Lady....but in the event that there is no High Lady, then the High Lord becomes the ruling authority of the Guardians. His duties are the same as the High Lady's and together they shall rule the Guardians.
3.) Royal Advisor : Second in Command in the Guardians, the Royal Advisor is just that.. he is the Advisor to the High Lord/High Lady and is chosen wisely by his dedication to the Guardians themselves, not the Lord/Lady. His duties are the same as the Lord/Lady but less involved then the other two. In the event that the High Lord/High Lady is not around .. the Royal Advisor's word is law. Working closely with the High Lord/High Lady, the three of them can rule the Guardians quite ably.
4.) High Paladin : The High Paladin is the Leader of the Knights of Virtue, a Section of the Guardians devoted to the 12 Virtues of GoS. The High Paladin ranks above the Royal Commander in the Art of War.
5.) Royal Commander : The Royal Commander is the head of the Defenders of GoS and its day to day activities. More information on the Royal Commander can be found in the Honor Guard section of the Halls of the Guardians. Needless to say, the Commander is in charge of the most important aspect of the land of Britannia..and that is the arts of Warfare and Warcraft. Holding a very important position in the Guardians, he is on the same level as the Sorcerer, the Pathfinder and the ShadowMaster. But in the event of war, the Royal Commander word takes precedence over all but the High Lord, High Lady and the Royal Advisor.
6.) High Sorcerer : The High Sorcerer is in charge of the Sorcerer's Conclave and all things magical in the Guardians. His tasks and duties are outlined in the section titled Sorcerers Conclave. Magic is as important as warfare is, and in the event of anything magical, the Sorcerer's word takes precedence over all but the High Lord/High Lady and the Royal Advisor. In any case, the High Sorcerer is of equal rank as the Commander, the Pathfinder and the ShadowMaster.
7.) Royal Pathfinder : The Royal Pathfinder is the head of the Pathfinders section of the Guardians and is explained more fully in the section of the Halls of the Guardians titled the Pathfinders. His rank is of equal stature as the Commander, the Sorcerer and the ShadowMaster and is also quite capable of warfare and/or Magic.
8.) ShadowMaster : The ShadowMaster is the ruling authority of the ShadowMaster's section of the Guardians and is in charge of its day to day activities within the Guild. He is more fully explained in greater detail in the section ShadowMasters. His rank is of equal stature as the Commander, the Sorcerer and the Pathfinder and his tasks are no less hard or important than the rest.
9.) Master Merchant : The Master Merchant is the head of the Merchants of GoS and is more fully explained in detail in the Merchants of GoS section. He is in charge of the Guild Vendor Houses, and also has great knowledge in the areas of Finance and Business. He deals with the Merchants of GoS and is quite capable of organizing the Merchants and helping them out when needed.
10.) Sensei Master : The Sensei Master is a rare position only held by one person whose ability to teach and train others excels than anyone else's that we know of. The Sensei Master is responsible for the teaching and training of both newer and older players alike.
11.) Magistrate : The Magistrate shall officiate at special GoS events. He has the keen ability to resolve disputes within the guild. He has the ability to call upon us to bear arms to protect our city or any other he deems in need.
12.) High Game Keeper: The High Game Keeper is the leader of our tamer division. He will possess both Taming skills and leadership skills.
In order to fill a position in the High Council, a member must show dedication, loyalty and responsbility to the Guardians and its members. The High Lady may approach someone and ask them if they would like to be part of the future, or a member of the Guardians may apply for a specific job. The only rule in effect here is that in order to be approved to High Council position a member must not have another character in another Guild, due to conflicts of interest.